Medical Weight Loss - Total Behavioral Health
Medical Weight Loss

Lose Weight & Keep It Off

As part of our approach to holistic healthcare, our providers can run a comprehensive health assessment and help customize a medical weight loss treatment plan, uniquely designed for you.

This includes assessing current medications that may be inhibiting your weight loss, as well as designing a diet and medication plan to help you hit your goals.

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Medically Supervised Weight Loss

Though a combination of coaching, diet, and medication, our providers help you lose the most weight while ensuring you stay healthy.

Tailored To You

Your journey begins with a full deep dive of your labs. We’ll design a program based off of your biology.

Medication Assisted Weight Loss

When traditional diets don’t work, we can help. Our providers can prescribe FDA-approved medications that help your body develop long-term results.

$19.99 Consultation

Schedule a no-risk, no-commitment consultation with one of our providers. We’ll review your baseline and determine a plan that’s right for you.

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In addition to a customized diet and exercise plan, medical weight loss includes prescribed medications that encourage weight loss and occurs under the close supervision of a medical provider.

Patients will lose on average between 10-40 pounds in the first 6 months of their customized plan.

Results are typically seen after 6-8 weeks but can vary from patient to patient.

Total Behavioral Health offers several different options that will help reduce your appetite, curb feelings of hunger, and/or reset your metabolism, including Topiramate-Phentermine, Contrave, and Saxenda. Your medical provider will carefully review the results from your blood work as well as your current prescription medications before customizing your treatment plan and prescribing your medication.

Topamax and Contrave are both oral medications. Topamax decreases appetite causing feelings of fullness to last longer. Contrave reduces caloric intake and reduces the desire to overeat. Saxenda is an injection pen that helps reset metabolic markers and slows intestinal pH to control your body weight and composition, so you can develop healthier habits

Common side effects may include nausea and vomiting, which typically resolve within the first few weeks of beginning your medication.

Total Behavioral Health offers an initial consultation for $20. During this consultation, your medical provider will take your vitals and go over our different programs. Each program has different benefits included depending on your needs, such as a calorie-tracking app, fat-burning injections and a diet coaching plan, and are strictly cash pay. Schedule your consultation today to discuss which option is best for you.